Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Big Mac index

In this world of poor body image and obese Americans (sorry, but they really are), why are we still using something as commercially blatant and unhealthy as the Big Mac index?

Admittedly, I don't know much about it, except that you can compare the economies of nations by how much it costs to buy a Big Mac in their country - I think it also has something to do with how much bang you get for your buck.

Turns out I'm not so far off the mark (have a look at Wikipedia's entry). Apparently there have been other versions around Starbucks (Tall Latte index - I kinda like that one!) and the Coca Cola map (all details at Wikipedia so am not going to repeat them here). My concern is just that these are all things that are pretty bad for you and I don't think its a great idea that developing countries can afford to eat more Bic Macs! I wonder what the relationship is to that and the healthcare infrastructure of a country - suspect healthcare may not cope when the population suddenly begins eating McDonalds all over the place. (I'm not just ranting about them - watch 'Super size me' and then get back to me if you think I'm making this up)

Anyway, the point I am trying to make is this: Why use bad for you foodstuffs if you could be using feelgood shoes? Think about it - if you covert your purchasing power to 'shoe money', what self-respecting female would not be able to tell you whether you're getting a good deal or not (and a lot of well styled males as well, I'd bet!)? A shoe-index, aside from upping the population's style (and again, let's face it, those US of A people could use some help) also promotes things that focus on shoes, ;) OK, probably not much of an excersize focus, but shopping does burn the calories!

I am digressing yet again. Back to the shoe-index. I know exactly what I need to pay for a gorgeous pair of shoes to be getting a good deal and converting any currency into 'shoe money' just makes so much more sense....
Thinking of spending 4000 pounds on a holiday? Do you know how many shoes you can buy for that?? But you'll get more enjoyment from a week in Ibiza? Go for it!
See, its really easy once you get the hang of it.

Perhaps I need to give this more thought before approaching the Economist on it...

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